Monday, January 9, 2023

IAU OAE Astronomy Teacher Training Workshop- Great Impact

"A good education can change anyone. A good teacher can change everything" Unknown 


An anonymous quote states that a good education has the power to change anyone's life, while a good teacher can change everything. This sentiment was brought to life by Ms. Tahira Kanwal, a participant in the IAU OAE Astronomy Teacher Training Workshop.

We are thrilled to acknowledge Ms. Kanwal's efforts in conducting a Galileoscope assembly activity with IAU OAE Astronomy Teacher Training Workshop telescope assembly training kit at the APWA Government Girls Secondary School in Karachi. She went above and beyond in promoting astronomy education. We extend our gratitude to her for sharing pictures of the event with us, and granting us permission to feature them on our workshop blog. Her hard work and dedication are a testament to the impact that effective teaching can have on students' lives.

APWA Government Girls Secondary School, Karachi.

Remember: Never point your telescope at the Sun without proper solar filters or other specialized equipment specifically designed for solar observation. 

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